It seems like we always have the time to do all the unproductive things we can come up with, but it’s so hard to do the things we actually need to do. Cleaning can seem like such a frustrating and unwanted task, and this makes us often get in the habit of not doing it.

Cleaning is important for many reasons. Having a messy living space can impact your physical and mental health – and your social health. So, let’s look at three common reasons why people neglect cleaning, and how to overcome them.


This is the biggest productivity killer. The amount of time we all waste trying but failing to clean and tend to other responsibilities is shocking. A little wasted time here and there is ok, but when you spend half an hour looking at Instagram holding a duster, you know you need to focus. Why do we procrastinate? Because it’s so addicting! This is especially true when you have your phone ever calling your name to show you the latest Instagram posts or snapchats to lure you away from productivity. The best way to cut down procrastination is to get rid of your phone! Put it on a high shelf where you can’t reach it and leave it there until your task is done! Combine this with just starting cleaning with something easy like dusting the blinds and you will be surprised just how much you can accomplish easily!


Often, it is hard to motivate yourself to clean because of the sheer clutter. When you see a room completely cluttered and dirty it is hard to get started because it looks like so much work! The easiest way to fix this is that every time you use an item, put it back where it belongs. After a week or two, all of the items you use will be in their place and there will be less clutter. Then it’s a good time to take a hard look at the items left and decide whether you really need them. Clutter is often caused by items we really don’t need. With this done next time you have to clean; your workload will be significantly reduced!


Putting things off is something we are all guilty of. We often tell ourselves that we will do that task “later”. But when “later” comes we often don’t have the energy or will to do the task. Instead of putting things off, what if we just did them as they happened? That way tasks and chores did not accumulate as we came across them? For example, if you just did the laundry, why not fold and put it away immediately instead of letting it pile up in the basket? Or if you make a small mess, why not clean it up immediately instead of letting it marinate? By overcoming the “now” aspect of chores the buildup can be significantly reduced.

Now you know what you know, don’t let these simple mistakes stop you from having a home to impress!